We offer a range of developmental services for children and young people. We provide after school, weekend and holiday activities including term time courses for those not in education employment or training (NEET) designed to help the individual to reach their full potential.
Every young person is guaranteed access to recreational and creative activities comprising sport, arts & craft, vocational and employment training. We have a track record of delivering sustainable outcomes for young people.
We also offer those who have acquired an accredited qualification placement opportunities and routes into employment or to become social entrepreneurs.
Our youth work staff are fully qualified and accredited by relevant governing bodies, and are required to have a mandatory DBS disclosure check.
Our educators and facilitators have years of valuable teaching experience and are familiar with the school and vocational curriculums; while all our coaching staff have the mandatory industry related coaching qualifications with experience of working with young people in challenging environments
What We Do

Inclusion Projects
Our inclusion projects are targeted at the hardest to reach groups like young males in gangs or at risk and young girls and women.
It involves using creative Digital Media to get their voices heard and exploring topics like Skin Bleaching, Girls in Gangs and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Gangs, Guns & Knives.
Enterprise Projects
Our enterprise projects are fun and creative and are designed for those who love art and design. It was started with an initial award from the Tower Hamlets Youth Service in 2012.
This now forms the core of our Enterprise Education programme.
Using the latest computer software to work on own designs, our young beneficiaries are learning how to display them on T-shirts and caps - making shop-quality fashion for sale to schools and other youth groups.
© WISE Youth Trust
Charity Registered in
England & Wales
Registered No: 1140869